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Committees & Topics
Each committee below strives to address key issues related to our conference theme: "Shaping The Future", driving our world toward innovation, resilience, and sustainable progress.
The SCIMUN Background Assistive Report (BAR) provides information related to the topic at hand, written by the chairs of each committee. We strongly recommend that delegates use them as references when conducting research.
Committee Levels
Committee levels are determined by the difficulty of the topics. Delegates with no prior experience are recommended to join the beginner committee. More experienced delegates are encouraged to choose intermediate or advanced committees. These levels ensure that all participants are appropriately challenged. By selecting the right committee, delegates can make the most of their conference experience.
Advanced Committee
Intermediate Committee
Beginner Committee
President Chair: Aiden Jung
President Chair: Theo Ryu
Security Council (SC)
Topic 1: On measures to mitigate state-sponsored cyber-attacks in the Baltics.
Topic 2: On measures to counter extremism and terrorism in Burkina Faso.
President Chair: Daisy Kim
President Chair: Lisa Choi
Assistant Chair: Ricardo Amaral
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
Topic 1: On measures to build sustainable digital infrastructure to enable AI-driven growth.
Topic 2: On measures to encourage digital literacy among the youth to bridge the digital divide.
President Chair: Mia Chen
President Chair: William Kou
Assistant Chair: Mischka Kantharia
Human Rights Council (HRC)
Topic 1: On measures to establish data privacy boundaries in the digital age.
Topic 2: On measures to ensure ethical use of biotechnology.
President Chair: Billy Chan
President Chair: Simran Tilwani
Economics and Financial Committee (ECOFIN)
Topic 1: On measures to regulate cryptocurrency and blockchain.
Topic 2: On measures to leverage fintech innovations for financial inclusion.
President Chair: Bryan Hew
President Chair: Peter Suh
Group of Twenty (G20)
Topic 1: On measures to mitigate the economic crisis in Sri Lanka.
Topic 2: On measures to mitigate the impact of automation on the global labor market.
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